Rectangular: This mode introduces the smallest amount of dither noise, but at the expense of quantization error. Triangular: The “safest” mode to use if you plan on doing further processing. Don’t dither if you plan on mastering your song or processing the file further. Moreover, dithering is a process applied to the final render. The process minimizes artifacts when converting to a lower bit depth. Dither Options: Dithering adds a small amount of noise to the rendered audio. Or, choose 16-bit if you plan to burn an audio CD or stream the file online.
Bit Depth: Set the same bit depth as your project for mastering. File Type: Pick WAV, AIFF, or FLAC format. It’s less destructive then compressed lossy formats. Lossless formats use compression algorithms that preserve audio data.
Encode PCM: Activate to create a lossless audio file. It’s also recommended to set the same sample rate as your project for mastering. 44,100 Hz is CD-quality and good for most applications. Sample Rate: Select a sample rate for the rendered audio. Check this option if you intend to use the new sample in Live. asd file that contains analysis information about the rendered sample. Create Analysis File: Activate to create a. Deactivate this option if you plan on mastering your song. Normalize: Activate to render the audio at max volume. Convert to Mono: Activate to create a mono file instead of a stereo file. Render as Loop: Activate to create a sample loop that includes any effect tails. Render Length: Enter the length of the rendered sample in bars, beats, and sixteenths. The fields are in bars, beats, and sixteenths. Render Start: Enter the sample start time where rendering will begin. This option is great for exporting stem files for each track. Single Tracks: Renders the output of the selected track. Selected Tracks Only: Renders a separate audio file for all the tracks selected before opening the export dialogue. They will all have the same length, making it easy to align them in multitrack programs. All Individual Tracks: Renders each track to separate audio files, including return tracks. This option renders every activated track not muted. Below are brief descriptions of the various options. The export settings define the results of rendered audio. Click Save and the rendering process will begin. Next, choose the location to save the exported audio.
Set your preferred rendering settings and click Export. Choose Export Audio/Video from the File menu or use the shortcut Shift+Cmd+R or Shift+Ctrl+R. Also, check the Back to Arrangement button to ensure there are not any active Arrangement View clips. Make sure to unmute all the tracks you want to render. Ensure to launch all the clips you want to export before following these steps: Live will export all clips with activated clip launch buttons when exporting from Session View.